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Easy Care Plants and a Few Statement Plants to Add to the Mix

Some plants are quite fussy, requiring lots of special attention, while others are easy going and tolerate of a variety of light, temperature and watering conditions. Here are a few of my favorite easy care plants. Also, check out the link to our plant care and watering journal to help keep your green friends happy.

Easy Care Plants

1. Pothos

There are several varieties of the pothos plant, this is a vining no fuss plant with heart shaped leaves. It enjoys bright light but can thrive in low light areas. This plant is easy to propagate by simply taking a vine with the root attached and placing it in water until the roots sprout. Pothos plants are a great addition to any space, you can try propogating them in a cute plant terrarium.

These plants are very easy to care for and require little maintenance. They enjoy light to grow, but can tolerate low light areas. They may develop root rot by overwatering, so take care to only water when the soil is dry.

3. Christmas Cactus

The Christmas Cactus is a fast growing plant, having soft rounded leaves and blooms with beautiful pink flowers. These plants enjoy diffused light and will thrive in bright light, but not direct sun. These plants can live for 50-75 years and are very easy to propagate through leaf cuttings. They enjoy being well drained and watered when dry. Try Christmas Cactus potting mix, a special blend that helps regulate pH, promotes drainage, aeration and nutrient retention.

This is commonly called a ‘sweetheart’ plant because of its heart shaped leaves. It is extremely easy to grow and can reach a length of 4 ft. This plant requires pinching of the leaves to encourage the plant to bush out becoming big and robust.

The prayer plant looks great and is super easy to care for. It tolerates low light well, but needs to be in a warmer area without drafts. This plant prefers temperatures of about 68-85 degrees Fahrenheit.

It is believed that this plant brings good fortune. It can survive in low light or shady areas, but prefers indirect light. It can live in water or well drained soil, but is sensitive to chlorine, sodium and other chemicals found in tap water, so it’s best to use a distilled water.

Statement Plants

These are tropical perennial plants that come in a wide variety of species. They are dramatic and exotic with huge heart shaped leaves. The larger varieties have leaves that can reach 3 feet long and 2 feet wide. In colder zones they should be brought indoors in the cooler months. They enjoy partial shade and like being fertilized with a solution high in nitrogen. They like to have wet soil. They continuously sprout new leaves and when the old leaves turn brown they should be snipped off about 2 inches from the base with a clean straight cut.

Elephant ears are one of my favorite plants. I start my bulbs outside when the temperature reaches about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. It's so exciting to watch them grow, they're quick to sprout and when the weather cools, you can bring them indoors for a breathtaking addition to any room.

2. Yucca Tree

These tropical trees have bright green sword shaped leaves and a thick trunk. They add eye-catching appeal to any room. These are slow growing plants and because of this don’t require re-potting often. They may collect dust on their leaves, so just use a damp cloth to clean the leaves. When leaves collect dust the plant cannot properly photosynthesize, so it’s important to keep your plants dust free.

The name implies that they are quite resilient and really are practically indestructible. While they are of tropical origins, they can tolerate poor light and both warm and cold temperatures. They are also a slow growing plant. This is a relatively low maintenance plat and the lance shaped leaves can grow up to 2 feet tall and nearly 4 inches wide, adding character to any room. This elegant plant enjoys being well drained and likes to be watered when the top 2 inches of soil are dry. They also like to be placed in a dry, bright sun and can tolerate full sun, but prefer shade from time to time.

These plants are the king of tropical large leaf houseplants with violin shaped leaves. They are a bit on the temperamental side. It needs just enough water and sun to keep it happy, too much of either will make an unhappy plant. These plants bring an exotic feeling to any room and can grow quite large, usually around 9 or 10 feet indoors. They like a light misting and enjoy warmer temperatures. They prefer to be watered when dry.

If you like a variety of plants and can't decide which one to add to your space, you can always try a subscription box that sends you beautiful clean air indoor plants on a recurring basis.

For some great tips and tricks to take care of your green friends check out this Plant Watering Journal.

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